1785-12-22 (static/transcriptions/1785/12/388.jpg)


went every day to Gulem.
I remember to have seen Gopy Nazir there once or twice: I recollect no more. The trial began about the end of Chyte or the beginning of [Bysce?]: I cannot tell when the examination ended: in jesty the witnesses were detected, when I was advised to conceal myself. When Gopy Nazir [attended?] at Chitpur Mr. Wilkins & Mr. Duncan demanded his attendance but he never went to Gulom as far as I know. I never saw Ramchendre or Gopy in the company of Ghulem. I cannot tell how many witnesses were detected or whether Connoy The’cur or Hery The’cur were detected but I have heard that Hery The’cur was detected. I attended at the place but was not suffered to enter the room where the gentlemen took the