1786-03-29 (static/transcriptions/1786/03/184.jpg)

12. Lakherauj
By this term they denominate Lands granted free of Revenue by the Mussulman Government to men of their own Perswasion who are men of letters or are on other accounts thought worthy of Reward.
13. Istemraur
Is that which has the Plea of ancient usage in support of it.

NB The Bengally writing on this paper is only a Translation of the Persian which is the original.
Wm Chambers

Exh: C.
Is an Acct current betw: Chas Purling & Richard Goodlad, in which on the Debtor side of the Acct is the following Article charging Mr. Purling with a Sum of Fr. A. Rs. 2703.11
To further balance dice to the Treasury being & sum left unpaid by Bridjoo Roy which Hurram Baboo had agreed to discharge but after Bridjoo Roy’s departure he refusing to do it you are debited with the amount FARs 2703.11
Current Rupees 2947-.3