1786-03-29 (static/transcriptions/1786/03/181.jpg)

delivered in upon Record sign’d by himself and his Reward. Let him, not collect from the subjects the additional Taxes called Deree – maugen sood – Ballah [ILL] but let him collect the original and additional Taxes according to the mode practised by Government down to the Bengal year 1183 and not take any thing more. He must not collect from the Subjects the balances of former years except it be an indisposed balance of dismiss’d Renters in case of receiving an order of Government for that purpose, and he is then to [ILL] the Claimants with the Subjects that are on the Spot and collect what appears due on that Investigation, which he is to pay in as he shall be directed. He is not without orders from the Resource to replace among the lands paying Revenue those set a part for Gardens, Tanks, 4 Dewalter, 5 Brakmutter, 6 Mekterau, 7 Ayemma, Pensions, 8 Pecrau, Fakeers, 9 Lakheraby, and Istemraur in the Villages, nor is he to grant new ones to any without a [ILL] from the Presence. Let him take care to raise [ILL] and Embankments in his district at the proper seasons according to establish’d usage, and be assured that whatever damage may arise from a neglect of this article to be placed to his acco:. He is likewise to pay such strict attention to the Protection and security of the things high way within his Bounds, that Traveller’s and Wayfaring people may pass and repass without apprehension, nor is he to suffer thieves or robbers to exist there. And if (which God forbids) the property of any one be plunder’d he is to produce those very thieves and robbers together with the Goods so stolen, and restore the Goods to the Proprietor and send those ill fated Culprits to the [presence?]