1786-03-29 (static/transcriptions/1786/03/180.jpg)

Exhibit C.
Translation of a [Dowl?] Pottah with the signature of the Governor General and the Seal of the Khalisah granting the Market of Murteza Gunje in Kooch Behar to Odey Narayan Dobe. Dated 13th August 1779.

The Devoted of
Shah Aalum, King, fighting
for the faith,
The noblest of Merchants, the English
Dewa of the Royal Khalsah
of the Soobah of Bengal
Behar and Orissa.
The seal of the Royal

Be it known to Oodey Narrayan Dobar Renter of the Market of Murteza Gunje in the Sorkar of Kooch Behar in the dependancies of the Subah of Bengal the Paradise of Countries, that
Whereas the settlement of the Revenue of the said Market has been assign’d to him from the commencement of the Bengal year 1186 till the conclusion of the said year – He is to apply himself with honesty & fidelity, with uprightness and sincerity to the duties and offices of the said settlement and by conciliating the minds of the subjects and peasants by good treatment, to under it flourishing and prosperous as time shall serve, that so it may go on increasing. He is to take care and pay in month by month at the appointed time the Revenue of Government agreeably to the Settlement of which the Paper of Instalments has been