1786-03-29 (static/transcriptions/1786/03/177.jpg)

remainder I charged Mr. Purling with it, as being a debt due from his Servant to the Public, and I believe Mr. Davies has that account. That sum Mr. Purling made Birjoo Roy pay, and that was the origin of the present dispute. I do not know whether the Ryots paid the 2400 Rupees to Ramcaunt, or to any person for him. I do not know whether the Ryots have even yet paid it. This 2400 Rupees, I do not say was a Debt due immediately from the Ryots. Then Oudenarain or Brijoo Roy had received 2700 Rupees more than they had paid to the Company. The 2700 Rupees was money due from the Country at the time Oudenarain or Birjoo vacated the farm – I cannot say positively whether the Defendants had received the Rents of Murtezagoinge, & [Goorgany?] with the 7 other Tallooks to his own use or not. if Oudenarain or Ramcaunt had used any force to dispossess the Plaintiff, I think I should have heard of it.

The Paper now produced and shewn to me, at this the time of my Examination, marked with the Letter C is an account between me and Mr. Purling signed by myself, and there is the entry of 2700 Rupees paid Mr.