1786-03-29 (static/transcriptions/1786/03/178.jpg)

Purling on account of Brijoo Roy.

Examined by the Court.
By Mr. Justice Chambers.
Q: The further balance said in the account C. to be due to the Treasury and left unpaid by Brijoo Roy of 2700 Rupees, was that due from Brijoo Roy on the day he quitted the farm?
A. It was due from him to Government at that time; whether he had received it from the Ryots or not I do not know. I should imagine he had not, because Hurryram paid me 300 Rs of it.
Q. It is said here that Hurryram had engaged to discharge the balance; do you suppose, at the time he agreed to pay it, he expected to remain in the farm to the end of the year?
A. I suppose if no change had happened in the Government he would have paid it in [13?] days, & could have remained in possession till the end of the year, making further payments; but Mr. Bogle coming in and Mr. Purling going out caused a confusion in the Collections.