1786-03-29 (static/transcriptions/1786/03/179.jpg)

Exhibit a.
Translation of a Perwannah for the [Punncah?] seated with the Khalsa Seal of Rungpoor – dated 10th Asaun 1185 B.Y. 21st June 1779.

The Devoted
Shah Aalum, King, fighting
for the faith,
The noblest of Merchants, the English
Dewa of the Royal Khalsah
of the Soobah of Bengal.
The seal of the principal
cutcherry of Rungpoor.

Be it known to Oodey Narrayan Renter of the Markets of Murteza Gunje, that
The House of the auspicious Punneah for the Bengal year 1186 is appointed to commence on the Evening of Friday the fourteenth (14th) day of the month of [Asaur?]. You are therefore by this Writing required to repair to the [Presence?] on the day aforesaid with the amount of your Instalment for the auspicious Punneah agreeably to the enclosed paper and there so celebrate the Punneah. In this respect You are to llok upon this as positive Injunction, and do as is here written.
Dated on the tenth (10) day of the month of Asaur in the Bengal year 1185.
[Beiz Beig?]
A true Translation On the back
William Chambers A copy has been taken
Per: Tran: