1786-03-29 (static/transcriptions/1786/03/183.jpg)

the next Instalment
3. Pottah
Properly signifies the per-centage on the different sort of Rupees and on such as are damaged or adulterated, but it is here the name of a stated exaction which has often been made by native collectors on pretence of reimbursing themselves for the loss they have sustained under this head.
4. Dewalter
Is land dedicated to place of Hindoo Worship.
5. Prahmutter
Is land set a part for the maintenance of [Brahmans?]
6. Mehterau
Is a name given to lands assigned to Hindoos of Rank who are not Brahmans, to build their Dwelling Houses on and for other Domestic uses. On such lands no Taxes are levied.
7. Ayimina
Is a term by which lands granted to Mohamedan Priests and men of learning are denominated.
8. Peerau
Is land set a part for the support of the Monuments of Mohammedan Saints.
9. Lakherauj
By this term they denominate Lands granted free of Revenue by the Mussulman Government to men of their own Perswasion who are men of letters or are on other accounts thought worthy of Reward.
10. Istemraur
Is that which has the Plea of ancient usage in support of it.
11. Baze Jumma
This is a general name for various [ILL] collected formerly from the Ryotts upon all