1787-11-03 (static/transcriptions/1787/11/025.jpg)

N. B. In the case of Scarrall v Horton, Mich: 14 Geo. 2., - Repd in Barnes’s Notes 283 4th Edition, Deft paid money into Court on the Common Rx, [which] Plf accepted & after the costs taxed & demanded, moved for an attachmt agt Deft for nonpayment. The Court refused it, bec; as the Words of the Common Rx stand at present, Deft is not ordered to pay the Costs; – but granted a Rx upon Deft to shew cause why he should not pay Costs, and declared that the former of the Com: Rx should be altered, & made obligatory upon Defts to pay Costs.” The Repartee adds “N. B. A new Form hath been since settled accordingly.
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