1779-07-20 (static/transcriptions/1779/07/038.jpg)

1779. 3 Sittings. [Tuesday] July 20.

Ramcaunt Shaw
Bridgoo Roy.

[Triple Line]
An Action of Trespass Assault, Imprisonment, and extorting Money.
Plea: not Guilty, and a Notice of Justification according to the Rule of this Court for that purpose.
The justification that the Plaintiff was indebted to the Company for Money received from the Treasury at Rungpoor, to be exchanged into French Arcot Rupees.
Mr. Thompson Advocate for the Plaintiff, Opens the Plaint and the Notice of Justification.
Mr. Brix, Open’d the Case.
He stated, that the Plaintiff was confined at Rungpoor by Bridjoo Roy who was not the Company’s Dewan but the private Dewan of Mr. Purling the Chief of Rungpur, to make the Plaintiff pay Money not received by him nor due from him, but due from other Shroffs, under pretence that every Shroff is answerable to for all the Shroffs.