1787-12-03 (static/transcriptions/1787/12/025.jpg)

godowns. The Invy & Acot Currt he did not sign, nor had anything to do with.

1 Wts (for Deft B. Gose)
Sunker Gose.
was a writer to S: S: for 18 or 19 years he d: 1 Bysack 1185. – One year after [which] Admon was granted to the 3 Defts.
Wts made an Autsettah to end of 1184. Defts added to it the paymts & rects of the year 1185.
Wts kept the books hims: [from] [which] he made his estimate. Compd his estim: with A. they agreed except that they had made the addition of 1185.