1787-12-04 (static/transcriptions/1787/12/028.jpg)
Cross examined.
No. 11. 2d Wts for Deft.
Modun Mohun Bose was sent by Plf to rec: [from] Deft certain effects of S:S:, he proves his Signature to I.K. & L & says that he recd all the particulars specified in I. & L and such of the [Auts?] in his [K?] as [we?] marked with his Signature.
The Wts being cross examined says that a Counterpart of each of the 3 Exhs of which he has spoken (I. K. & L) was signed by Ramh: Dutt on the part of Ban: Gose, & Ramh. Bose on the part of the other 2 defts. – Deft’s Advoc: wishing to examine him more particly on those papers, & for that purpose to get them translated, leave is given to call him again tomorrow or afterwards.
Cause adjourned.