1779-12-02 (static/transcriptions/1779/12/009.jpg)

1779. 4 Sittings. [Dec?] 2.

confession of Lease Entry and Ouster, which is contain’d in Colonel Watson’s Petition to be admitted to defend in the stead of the Common Ejector Henry Robinson, who according to the Rules of this Court, is always named instead of a Casual Ejector, and the Confession of Lease Entry and Ouster by Petition is introduced by the Rules of this Court instead of the Rule to confess, which is the Practice in England.
But there was a Non-Suit instead of a Judgment for the Defendant, at the desire of the Advocate for the Plaintiff.
A Non-Suit.

[Triple Line]
Goopeynee Dossee
Gobindram Bysack.
This was an Action for an Assault. A very trivial assault was proved, on which the Cheif Justice said he was inclined to give a Judgment for One Rupee Dammages, and for the Costs of the Defendant to be paid by the Plaintiff. He look’d at the Charter to see if it could be done, and inclined to think it could not, and therefore would not do it.
/ I incline