1788-03-13 (static/transcriptions/1788/03/056.jpg)

Same was procured and provided.
Twenty Seventh
For that the said Defendant William Barton hath not Setforth whether the profits made by the said James Inglish Keighly as in the Bill is mentioned both on the said Filature and on the said Bengal wound Silk or on Some and which of them were or were not Shared and divided in Some and what manner between him and the said Rober Palk and the president of the said Board of Trade and the said William Barton and the other members of the said Board of Trade or [ILL] and which of them nor whether the said James Inglish Keighly did or did not either pay some very considerable or Some other and what Sum or Sums to the said Robert Palk or to the said William Barton or to the said President or members of the said Board of Trade or Some or one and which of them or to Some person or persons in trust for them or Some or one and which of them.
Twenty Eighth
For that the said Defendant William Barton hath not Setforth whether the said Robert Palk William Barton and the said President and