1788-03-13 (static/transcriptions/1788/03/055.jpg)

Interest was not Extremely and how small and inconsiderable and Given to them as hush money to bribe them to Silence or as a Compensation for the use of their names or name or as a mere or bare Reward for the Labour & Trouble which they or one of them were or was to have in Providing or procuring or in assisting to provide and procure the said Bengal wound Raw Silk for the said James Inglish Keighly as his agents Gomastahs, Sircars, or Servants or for some other and what Cause or motive nor whether the said James Inglish Keighly did or did not in the names of the said Dattaram Ghose and Annunderam Sircar Compleat the said Contracts.
Twenty Sixth
For that the said Defendant William Barton hath not Setforth whether the whole of the said Quantities of Bengal wound Putney and Tonnah Silks were or were not procured and provided by the said James Inglish KEighly either by buying the cocoons and Employing manufacturers immediately under himself or under his own Gomastahs agents or Sircars to wind the same or by purchasing the said Silk ready wound from native manufacturers or dealers nor in what manner in particular the