1788-03-13 (static/transcriptions/1788/03/058.jpg)

Barton and the other members of the said Board of Trade did not well know or understators believe that the said James Inglish Keighly would not Endeavour to procure the said five lettered Silk at a cheaper rate than that allowed him the preceeding year Vizt Ten Sicca Rupees and Six annas per Seer.
Thirty First
For that the said Defendant William Barton hath not Setforth whether the said James Inglish Keighly on the first day of July then following did not write another Letter to the said Board of Trade in the words and figures and to the purport and Effect in the said Bill before for that purpose Setforth or in any other and what words or Figures nor whether the said two last mentioned Letters were not Sent to the said Board of Trade merely as a Colour and pretend and in Order to blend the said Complainants not whether the said James Inglish Keighly had in truth taken any and what Real and Effectual Steps or measures to obtain any proposals of Contract at a lower Price than the Terms Granted for the five Lettered