1788-03-13 (static/transcriptions/1788/03/059.jpg)
Putney Silk in the preceeding year not whether the said paper pretended by the said letter to have been fixed on the Factory gate was ever affixed to the said Gate or if it was whether the same was not written in a Language not intelligible to the natives or in a hand and Character not legible nor whether the Same Contained any invitations for persons to bid for the said Contract or if it did whether the same could only be perused by the Servants workmen and Defendants of the said Factory or was in a Situation where other persons likely to make proposals could see and read the same nor whether it was probable that they would see and read the Same nor whether the said Servants workmen and Dependants of the said Factory were not intirely under the influence of the said James Inglish Keighly and did not dare to bid for a Contract in Competition with the said James Inglish Keighly or the said Dattaram Ghose his Banian or Sircar or any person whatsoever who was protected or Recommended by the said James Inglish Keighly or whether in fact there were any real offers made to