1780-07-07 (static/transcriptions/1780/07/012.jpg)

1780. 3 Term. [Wednesday] July 7th

=goes. It was insisted the Defendant was not subject to the Jurisdiction of this Court, Because it was said he held an Hereditary Office, granted from Delhi to his Ancestors, which intituled him to a certain proportion of the Assul or Old Original Revenues, that is One Rupee in Four Hundred, and that was the Sum proved to be paid to him by Mr. Crofts from the Company’s Treasury, and not Monthly Wages as was insisted by the Plaintiff.
A Witness for the Plaintiff proved the Defendant to be employ’d by the Company. And Mr. Ducarel who was a Witness for the Defendant proved it still more clearly.
Mr. Ducarel concluded his Evidence by saying “He (the Defendant) certainly does the Company’s Business.
The Case of these Cannongoes has been insisted on, by some of the Company’s Servants, and particularly by Mr. Hastings, with great earnestness, as not bringing him, within the Description of Persons against whom Actions may be brought