1780-07-14 (static/transcriptions/1780/07/016.jpg)

1780. 3 Sittings. Friday July 14.

Friday July 14th 1780.
Sir E. Impey . . . . . . . . . . at 9o:15’
Sir Robert Chambers . . . at 9o:35
Mr. Justice Hyde . . . . . . at 10o:-

[Triple Line]
Aga Takki
Rani Bhobani.

[Triple Line]
An Action on the Case, in which a large Sum of Money is demanded.
The 1st Count is for Money Lent, the sum is alledged to be One Hundred and Seventy Thousand Sicca Rupees, and the day of Lending it is alledged to be April 16th 1779.
The 2d Count, Is for the like sum, for Money laid out and expended.
The 3d Count, Is for the like sum, on an Account settled.
The Plaint concludes to the Dammage of the Plaintiff Three Hundred Thousand Sicca Rupees.
There was first a Plea to the Jurisdiction of this Court, and then the
/ General