1788-07-18 (static/transcriptions/1788/07/306.jpg)
Compy &c and that the prisr is subject to the Jurisdon &c and further that at the time of committing &c the prisr was in the Service of Tilman Henekill a Brit Subjt residt in Bengal, & that therefore the Prisr is subject to the Jurisdon of this Court.
The Prisr having pleaded Not guilty, a Jury is sworn to try him, namely
1. John Holmes
2. 2 James Hinnes
3. Begwell Potter
4. Richard Ecroit
5. William Myers
6. William Delmonte
7. Gavint Hamilton
8. Robert Hutchinson
9. John White
10. William Higgs
11. James Fairlie
12. Josiah Morgan.