1788-11-20 (static/transcriptions/1788/11/068.jpg)
If it exceed 20 CR to be recovd by action of debt or plaint in this Hon Court] The plaint then states the publication & Registry of the Rx, Ordce & Regul that on 28 Mar 1787 the Compy did ascertain the annual rent & value &c And the Plf in fact saith that afterwards and before the Exhibition of this Plaint to wit on the said 1st day of January in the year of our Lord 1784 the said John Swift was and from thence continually afterwards until the 1st day of January 1788 hath been the occupier of a certain House situate and being within the said settlement to wit at Fort William aforesaid in the province aforesaid of the annual rent and income or value of 1080 Sicca Rupees being number 55 in the 4th Division & 2d ward & then & there became and was liable to pay the said Rate and Tax of one anna in the [ill] on the annual Rent and income or value thereof and which said Rate of Tax for the space of the aforesaid year from the 1st day of January 1787 to the 1st day of January 1788 amounted to the