1788-12-04 (static/transcriptions/1788/12/150.jpg)

4 Dec 1788

John Bebb Complainant copy
Colonel Charles Morgan Defendant

Schedule A annexed to the Bill

To Mr. John Bebb

I am directed by the Honble the Governor General and Council to acquaint you that they have been pleased to appoint you to succeed to the several duties & offices filled by Mr. John Griffith with the Army under the command of Brigadier General Goddard, it having been notified to the Honble Board that Mr. Griffith intends to resign the charge; you are ordered therefore to join the Army as Commissary of Provisions, & General Goddard has been desired to receive you as such on your arrival with it.

I am Sir
Your most obedient
Humble Servant
(signed) E. Hay Actg Secy
Council Chamber
The 21st May 1781