1788-12-04 (static/transcriptions/1788/12/153.jpg)

Intended for me by the Governor General & Council and of your refusal to the request in my letter of this morning for your permission for my proceeding to Bengal I acquaint you that I do now resign the part of the duties and offices to which the Governor General and Council were pleased to appoint me, that has been in my possessions and that I shall proceed to Bengal on one of the Ships that will sail tomorrow morning. My accounts have been made up to the 1st Ultimo and have been examined and approved by General Goddard, and agreeable to his directions to me were; with the several papers relative thereto deposited in the paymaster’s Office I have already informed you of the small quantity of Grain at Callisr? That remained unsold the 1st of this month, and now enclose you an order on my Sercar Chumepaure, who I understand is also your Sercar, for the delivery of that Gain to you or your order. Enclosed also is a Letter to Mr. Boddam desiring him to account with you for the proceeds of the Batty remaining under his charge at Surat. I am, Sir, Your Obedient Servant John Bebb Bombay 15th Sept 1782