1788-12-04 (static/transcriptions/1788/12/156.jpg)
We desire that you will also form a list of all the native officers and Seapoys of the different Corps belonging to this Establishment with their names and length of Services to enable us on their return to make them suitable recompence for their faithful & meritorious conduct, and a separate list of such as shall be disabled by wounds or infirmities contracted in the late Campaigns from accompanying the rest on their march back to Bengal that a fund may be appointed for their Subsistence with the assistance of the Presidency of Bombay.
You will at the same time notify our intentions herein to the Officers and Men under your Command.
We are Sir
Your most Obedient
Humble Servants
Warren Hastings
(signed) Edwd Wheler
John Macpherson
Fort William
10th April 1782
Read 3d Dec. 1788
C. Rice