1788-12-04 (static/transcriptions/1788/12/152.jpg)

The person who was in actual charge of Mr. Griffith’s Offices. The General likewise thought that offices of this sort could not without detriment to the publick service & great injury to be held then be suddenly taken away in the middle of the season when service might be daily expected & when the Gentlemen actually in office had had the whole trouble and Charge of preparing for the Campaign. All these Arguments are now removed by Captain Watherton’s resignation of his offices & I do presume Sir you will be of opinion that no person can have any [ill] [ill] dation to the appointment [ill] to an order of the Honble Governor General & Council at a time too when I am on the spot ready to take charge.

I am Sir
Your very Obed Servt
(signed) John Bebb
31st August 1782
[double line]

A Letter from the Complainant to the Defendant 15th Septr 1782 which is set forth verbatim in the original answer but not in my motes thereof.
[single line]

“To Colonel Charles Morgan, Commanding the Bengal Detachment in the West of India. Sir, In consequence of your not putting me in charge of the appointments