1788-12-04 (static/transcriptions/1788/12/158.jpg)
Still leaving you a discretion on grounds of a very urgent nature to retain either the whole or part of that Corps until you shall have represented to us your reasons for so being and received our final Orders upon them. But altho we are desirous of dispensing with the services of this Corps in its present form yet the long and approved services of the native officers and Men require that We should bestow on them a suitable attention that a measure of public necessity may not fall with the weight of a private hardship upon them; We direct therefore that by whatever means you can best devise they be returned to this Establishment conforming particularly with respect to them to the last paragraph of our Instructions of the 10th Ultimo.
And we think it proper also in a fuller manner than we have expressed by our former instructions to direct and authorize you to reduce the strength of such other Corps of the Detachment and