1788-12-16 (static/transcriptions/1788/12/369.jpg)


and intending the said Dusta Gool unjustly to aggraive with an Intent her the said Dustah Gool of her Monies Goods & Chattels unlawfully & unjustly to deceive & defraud in the 20th day of November in the said year of our Lord 1788 and in the 29th year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the faith & so forth at Calcutta aforesd in the Factory aforesd & Province aforesd with force & arms falsely did pronounce & publish one false forged writing sealed purporting to be sealed & Delivered by the said Dustah Gool as a true writing he the said Matruss Shawin otherwise called Martirus Shahin knowing that writing to be a false forged & counterfeited writing the same writing in itself purporting to be a Bond & obligation and to hear date the 7th day of March in the year of our Lord 1788 from the said Dutah Gool from the said Dustah Gool to him the said Matruss Shawin otherwise called Martirus Shahin by the name & Description of Mr. Matruss Shawin In which said Bond & Obligation is mentioned that the said Dustah Gool by the name of Dustah Gool of Calcutta Inhabitant became held and firmly bound unto the said Matruss Shawin otherwise called Martirus Shahin of the same place in the penal sum of ten thousand sicca rupees for the payment whereof well & truly to be made