1788-12-16 (static/transcriptions/1788/12/373.jpg)


And the Jurors aforesd upon their Oath aforesd do further present that the said Matruss Shawin otherwise Martirus Shahin is a person subject to the Jurisdiction of the Court by having committed the offence last aforesaid within the Town of Calcutta and Factory of Fort William in the Provicne aforesaid.
And the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesd do further present that the said Matruss Shawin otherwise called Martirus Shahin being a person with name & fame & wicked & Dispostion & contriving and intending the said Dustah Gool unjustly to aggrieve with an intent her the said Dustah Gool of her monies Goods & Chattels unlawfully & unjustly do deceive & defraud in the twentieth day of November in the said year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & eighty eight and in the twenty ninth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third by the Grace of God of Great Britain France & Ireland King Defender of the faith & so forth at Calcutta aforesaid in the Factory aforesaid and Province aforesaid with force & arms falsely did pronounce & publish one false forged writing sealed, purporting