1781-01-11 (static/transcriptions/1781/01/005.jpg)

1781. 1 Term. Thursday Jan. 11.

Thursday January 11th 1781.
Sir E. Impey - - - - - - - at 10o:15’
Mr. Justice Hyde - - - - at 10o:15’.

[Triple Line]
Mr. Newman, One of Advocates of the Company.
Moved that an Ordinance made by the Governor-General and Council for the Good order and Civil Government of this Settlement, might be now openly published and re’d.
The Court Order’d it so to be.
The Ordinance produced by Mr. Newman was sign’d by Warren Hastings Esquire Governor-General, and by Edward Wheler Esquire the only one of the Four Counsellors now in Bengal.
It had been alter’d from what it was when produced last Monday, meerly be striking out the part which the Court had then objected to which was intended to give an appeal to this Court in certain cases, which we doubted the Legality of doing. It had at first, as produced on
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