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For Deft No. 2. Defendant’s Answer.
to whom referable in any manner whatever, if the same were referrably nor does this Defendt know whether the said Provincial Council, or the said Cauzee and Muftees, or any or either of them, had any such power and authority as in the said Bill the said Complainants have pretended and alledged they respectively had; but this Defendt does not believe that they or any or either of them rightly and properly exercised such Power and Authority over this Defendt, relative to the several matters in dispute concerning the merits of this cause this Defendt at the same time humbly and in writing and submitting to this Honourable Court that, if they or any or either of them rightly and properly passed & exercised such power and authority that full due and sufficient proof thereof should be given to this Honourable Court. And this Defendt further answering admits that she has been informed that the said Provincial Council, or some or one of the Members thereof, in consequence of the several wilfull misrepresentations and false assertions contained in such report, so delivered by the said Cauzee and Muftees, to the said Provincial Council as aforesaid, or from some motives equally unjust did profess to entertain suspicions