1791-11-24 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/307.jpg)


and believes in this cause ever ccame to this Depo:e and requested represented to her the situation into which the conduct of this Deponent and the said Cojah Zekeriah had (as the said Kubbeer Beg has in his aforesaid affidavit alledged) brought the said Ghyrut Beg nor did this Depo:t ever tell the said Kubbeer Beg that she could not help it, that as matters had then gone so far the only remedy left was for the said Mirza Ghyrut Beg to stand firm in the support of the two paper writings or instruments which had been fabricated (as in the aforesaid Affidavit of the said Kubber Beg is alledged) since the death of the said Shah baz beg Khan, namely the Hebbanamah and Ekraraum and to swear that they were true and valid Instruments executed by the said hah baz beg Khan and attested by the said Ghyrut Beg in the life time of the said Shah baz Beg Khan for that if he the said Ghyrut Beg should refuse or decline swearing to that effect And confess that the said Papers had been forged and that the seal of the said Shahbaz Beg Khan and of the said Ghyrut Beg had been affixed to them since the death of the said Shahbaz beg Khan, namely the Hebbanamah and Ekraraum and to swear that they were true and valid Instruments executed by the said Shah baz beg Khan and attested by the said Ghyrut Beg in the life time of the said Ghyrut Beg should refuse or decline swearing to that effect And confess that the said Papers had been forged and that the seal of the said Shahbaz Beg Khan and of the said Ghyrut Beg had been affixed to them since the death of the