1791-11-24 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/308.jpg)


For Deft – No 3. Affidavit of Naderah Begum
said Shah baz Beg Khan, the life time of the said Ghyrut Beg would be in danger And that it would be better to take a false oath than danger his life besides which he would be so doing render an assential service to this Deponent Defendant by securing to her the possession of the Estate and Effects of her said Husband the said Shah baz beg Khan, And this Deponent positively denies that any conversation to any such or the like purport or effect ever was had or took place between this Deponent and the said Kubber Beg, And this Deponent further saith that the several aforesaid Affidavits of Mooteram Chobdar Bholum Dye, Newul Sing and Mirza Bholum Dye, Newul Sing and Mirza Kubber Beg And also the affidavit of Shaik Syef Ullah made in this cause relative to the several matters aforesaid and the several circumstances pretended to be attended thereon are severally & respectively to the best of this Deponent’s knowledge information and firm belief wholly feigned false and untrue and this