1791-11-24 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/310.jpg)
For Deft – No 3. Affidavit of Naderah Begum.
to the said Papers respectively And this Deponent positively desires that the said Cojah Zekeriah ever used or uttered to this Depot any words to such or the like purport or effect, And this Deponent positively denies that she ever told the said Mohutterin ul Nissa Begum that Cojah Zekeriah having prepared a Deed of Gift And a Deed of General Declaration if her husband Ghyrut Beg would affix his seal to them the whole of the property of the deceased Shahbaz Beg Khan would come to this Deponent, nor did this Depot ever use or utter to the said Mohutterin ul Nissa Begum any words to any such or the like purport or effect and this Deponent positively denies that she ever desired the said Mohutterim ul Nissa Begum to fetch the seal of the said Ghyrut Beg for any purpose whatever And this Deponent positively denies that the said Mohutterin ul Nissa Begum ever did fetch the seal of the said Ghyrut Beg to this Deponent for any purpose whatever And this Deponent also