1791-11-24 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/316.jpg)
For Deft – No 4. Affidavit of Lalah Sobahchund & others.
when the said Bhode Mull delivered to this deponent Lollah Sobachund a paper in the Persian Language and Character hereunto annexed and marked with the English Letter A and thereupon the said Bhode Mull informed this deponent Lallah Sobachund that the whole of such Persian writing upon such annexed aper was written in the presence of him the said Bhode Mull by the said Kheemnarain as a specimen of all and every the only kinds and kind of hands and hand writing which he the said Kheemnarain could and ever did write in the Persian Language and Character and which explanation this deponent Lallah Sobachund doth verily believe to be true and this deponent Lallah Sobachund further saith that he did afterwards Shaw the said Annexed paper in the Persian Language to the deponent Benjamin Turner who desired this deponent Lollah Sobachund to apply to the said Bhode Mull to make an affidavit that the said Annexed paper in the Persian Language and Character was written by the said Kheemnarain for the said purpose and as aforesaid in the presence of him the said Bhode Mull And this deponent Lollah sobachund further saith that in Consequence of such directions from the said deponent Benjamin Turner he the said Zollah Sobachund has several times applied to and most certainly entreated the said Bhode Mull to make such affidavit as aforesaid and that the said Bhode Mull declined to make any such affidavit always alledging at the same times that the reason of his the said Bhode Mull so [ILL] was to the purport and effect following that the said Kheemnarain was the particular friend of him the said Bhode Mull and that as he the said Bhode Mull was moreover in the service of the