1791-11-24 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/322.jpg)


For Deft – No 4. Affidavit of Lalah Sobahchund and others.
writing on the said Ekraraum and the signature to the said Affidavit Kheemnarain are written or could have been written by one and the same person for the said deponent Lallah Sobachund and Shaik Buddee ud Deen further severally say that the Character manner stile and kind of hand writing used in the Signature to the said Affidavit of the said Kheemnarain and in the said Ekrauraum contained are severally and respectively totally different from each other and these deponents Lollah Sobachund and Shaik Buddee Ud Deen further severally say that they have carefully and minutely examined and Compared the said Annexed paper writing in the Persian Language and with the signature to the said affidavit of the said Kheemnarain and they severally believe that the said annexed paper writing in the Persian Language and Character and the signature to the said affidavit of the said Kheemnarain are and under to the best of their respective Judgments and belief written by me and the same person And this deponent Lollah Sobachun for himself saith that he is a Hindoo by Cast and religion and that the said Kheemnarain is also by religion a Hindoo and of the same cast with this deponent the said Lollah sobachund And this