1791-11-24 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/327.jpg)
they were respectively present on the twenty fourth day of October instant at the house of the said Nauderah Begum at Simlah in Calcutta and did then and there see the said Nauderah Begum the Defendant in this cause and who is the widow of the said Shabaz Beg Khan swear to her answer in this cause before the said Mr. Benjamin Saunders and the said Owen John Petruse who were appointed Commissioners for such purpose as these Deponents are informed and verily believe by virtue of a Commission issuing out of and under the seal of this Honourable Court and these Deponents further severally say that they were respectively present on the twenty fourth day of this present month of October at the House of the said Nauderah Begum at Simlah aforesaid and did then and there see the said Nauderah Begum the above named Defendant swear to an affidavit in this cause for the purpose of being produced to this Honourable Court in shewing cause