1787-11-13 (static/transcriptions/1787/11/274.jpg)

[The letter is in these words
To the Honble Warren Hastings Esq
Governour General * cl Members of the Supreme Council. – Pub: Dep:
I beg leave to lay before you a copy of a letter addressed to me by Mr. Bristow, late Resident at the Vizier’s Court, together with a copy of Charges exhibited by the Gentleman against Mr. Thomas, Surgeon Major to the 1st Brigade and late Surgeon to the Resident at Lucknow. In consequence of which I have to inform the Board, that I have ordered Mr. Thomas under arrest, and have to request that the Board will direct a Warrant to be prepared for his trial. I have at the same time to request that the Board will acquaint me whether it be their pleasure that the Court Martial shall be constituted solely from the officers belonging to the [Garrison?] and assembled by the order of the Governour General and Council, or by me from all the officers now at the Presidency, and at Barrackpoor in the same manner at the last General Court Martial was.
Mr. Thomas has since his being put under arrest signified his intention of returning