1787-11-13 (static/transcriptions/1787/11/275.jpg)

service of the Company are only warrant officers. The letter from Colonel Murray which I have just now mentioned is Exhibit I, and is expressed in Terms which prove to my satisfaction that a Court Martial was not desired by the Plaintiff, though he submitted to it.
Exhibit I.

to Mr. F. B. Thomas
Surgeon Major to the 1st Brigade.
I was in the act of writing to you when I received your letter. I imparted the substance of your request to the General, who in answer to it, has directed me to inform you that the mode you suggested of hastening the business to a speedy termination by a Court of Enquiry, would in his opinion retard the accomplishment of your wishes. He desires me to assure you, however, that he shall make it his request to the Board to order a General Court Martial for your trial without delay, that you may suffer as little inconvenience as possible in your present situation.