1787-11-13 (static/transcriptions/1787/11/276.jpg)

I am Sir
Your obedient Servant
[Pelter?] Murray
Adjt Genl
8th Dec: 1784

Within a few days after this he received from Colonel Murray a notice, Exhibit K, of the time and place at which the Court Martial would assemble for his trial, and he was accordingly brought before it on the 15 December 1784. The Court continued sitting by adjournments till the 15th of January, and the Sentence was not published till the 29th – and thence Colonel Murray [inform—?] that the Plaintiff was under arrest from the 7th of December 1784 till the 29th of January following. That nature of that restraint appears from the Deposition of Mr. Phillips, a surgeon, The nature of that restraint appears from the evidence of Mr. Phillips who was with the Plaintiff almost every day for a month before the Court Martial, and saw great preparations making, before the arrest, for his embarking for England. The Witness says that