1779-11-09 (static/transcriptions/1779/11/011.jpg)

1779. 4 Term. [Tuesday] Nov. 9.

Doe, on the Demise of
Ramtonoo Metre
Russen Consumah.

[Triple Line]
The Trial of this Ejectment was again proceeded on, and some Witnesses call’d to prove the Translation of Bengal Papers.
The pottah granted by Nobkissen was among the Papers produced for that purpose, and in the production of it, I said to Mr. Brix, Advocate for the Plaintiff, that Mr. Justice Chambers and I, had agreed in Opinion on conferring togather, that it is enough to prove Nobkissen gave this Pottah, and at the time it was given, was accustom’d to give Pottahs like this, which are such as used to be given by the Calcutta Committee; and that is not necessary to enter into any proof of the Right Nobkissen had to grant Pottahs. I afterward when Mr. Justice Chambers was come into Court said to the Council in the Cause, that we did not by the Opinion I had before
/ mention’d