1788-03-13 (static/transcriptions/1788/03/050.jpg)
Keighly and never transmitted either to the said Robert Palk or the said Board of Trade.
For that the said Defendant William Barton hath not Setforth whether it had not been for Some and how many years before the said James Inglish Keighly became Resident at Bauleah the practice of the Residents at the said Complan[ILL] Factories and aurungs to make sham Contracts in the name or names of Some native or natives but in truth for their own benefit and that of the numbers of the Board of Trade nor whether the said practice was not so notorious that if any [such?] advertisement was published by the said James Inglish Keighly the native manufacturers ever knew that by Giving in proposals they should have no chance of obtaining a Contract but would incur the displeasure of the said James Inglish Keighly who they knew or had reason to believe would be Supported by the Board of Trade in any opporession he might practise upon them as a Punishment for their interfering in a matter [which?] affected the Emoluments he meant or Expected to