1788-03-13 (static/transcriptions/1788/03/066.jpg)

day of May or from any other and what Day instead of paying him in like Certificates or Bonds bearing an interest only from the said twenty third day of January as by the said articles of agreement they were at Liberty to do.
Thirty Seventh
For that the said Defendant William Barton hath not Setforth whether the said James Inglish Keighly did not also deduct a further Sum of Current Rupees Fourteen thousand Eight hundred and ninety fourteen annas and Six pice as a loss which he falsely pretended he had sustained by the Different between the rate at which the Sonaut Rupees were purchased in the Bazar and that at [ILL] they were brought to Credit nor whether the said Charge of Loss by Batta was not absolutely false and Groundless nor whether he did in fact Sustain any and what loss by such Exchange of Sicca Rupees into Sonauts.
Thirty Eighth
For that the said Defendant William Barton hath not Setforth whether upon the said Advertisement