1780-07-03 (static/transcriptions/1780/07/005.jpg)

1780. 3 Term. [Monday] July 3.

Hyde. I am of the same Opinion, that there should be judgment for the Plaintiff, and for the Interest as well as for the Principal.
The naming the Dammages was deferr’d to another day, because the Plaintiff had not calculated the Interest.

[Triple Line]
Bieram Chowdry
Goopee Naseer.
An Action on the Case to recover Five Hundred Gold Mohurs, as Money received by the Defendant, to the use of the Plaintiff.
The Plaintiff thought also, to recover the Value of some peices of Gold, call’d by the Witnesses, Gold Sticks, but it could not be recover’d in this Action.
Three Witnesses swore possitively to the Receipt of the Money and the Gold, but from the improbability of the story, from variances among them in the Relation of Circumstances, from Evidence of occasions of Resentment
/ given