1777-11-20 (static/transcriptions/1777/11/009.jpg)

1777. Sittings. [Thursday] Nov. 20.

who have ever since they became so by the Act of the 13th G. 3d ch. 63 insisted that they were “Government” or in other words Five Kings, or as Mr. Francis, one of them stated the case, even so soon as when he was at Madeira in the Voyage out “We Five make One King, and we three are the Majority of that Five”. By this, and by Language and conduct conformable to this Sentiment he obtain’d the Nick Names, from me and others, of “King Philip” “The fifth part of a King” “Philip the fifth” and “Francis the fifth”.

Whether they are “Government” or Not, is One of the Great Disputes between the Court and the Governor General and Council, Impey, my late Dear Brother Lemaistre and I, all join’d, many times, in [Open] Court in declaring in express Words “They are not Government.” Impey of late has taken several occasions, even uncall’d on, to declare, “They are Government” Lemaistre to the time of his Death, and I always, adhered to the declaration, “they are not Government” Chambers has always inclined to the assertion that they are, but I do not recollect, and direct and positive declarations of his on the Subject. It is not meer, sound, dignity and ceremony that are implied in this Question, but the Governor-General and
/ Council.