1791-11-24 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/320.jpg)
For Deft – No 4. Affidavit of Lalah Sobahchund & others.
office of the said William Chambers purports to be an Ekaraum and beans date the said Eleventh day of Ramzaun in the said year one thousand one hundred and ninety And then deponents Lallah Sobachund and Shaik Buddee ud Deen severally say that they do not and cannot believe that the paper writing in the Persian Character and hereunto named and any part of the Persian Character and writing in the said Ekraraum with which they the said Lallah Sobachund and Shaik Buddee ud Deen Compared the same was written or could have been written by one and the same person and the said Lollah Sobachund and shaik Buddee Ud Deen severally say that the Character Manna still and kind of hand writing in the paper writing in the Persian Character and hereunto annexed and in the said Ekraraum Contained are severally and respectively totally different from each other. And the Defendant Benjamin Turner for himself saith that on the said twnty first day of October instant he accompanied the said Lallah sobachund and shaik Buddee ud deen t othe office of William Jackson Esquire the Register on the Equity side of this Honourable Court in Calcutta and was then and there shewn by John Michael Mark Clerk or Writer in the office of the said William Jackson the original affidavit made by the said Kheemnarain in this Cause and filed in the said office of the said William Jackson which affidavit this deponent Benjamin