1778-07-29 (static/transcriptions/1778/07/055.jpg)

1778. Sittings. [Wednesday] July 29th.

Writ of Habeas Corpus which was made returnable before me at my Chambers at the Court House, though used to bring him into Court at the Sittings.
This was the Habeas Corpus to do receive, and was Issued in the Cause in which he was in Execution, and was Issued from the Office of the Prothonotary, and ought to be also sign’d by the Judge who orders it to be Issued, as I think.
We estimated the Lodging, Boarding, attendance and Physick by Mr. Hickey at four Sicca Rupees a Day and deducted that from the balance due on the Promisory Notes and gave Judgment for the Difference.
Damage for the Plaintiff about 600 Sicca Rupees